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A framework of organizational an behavioural mode choice processes

As part of a European research project on...
08 juli 2021 / 1870

As part of a European research project on mode choice (CEDR,2017), KennisDC Logistiek Gelderland, the logistics research group of HAN University of Applied Sciences, developed a framework of organizational and behavioural mode choice processes. Many studies on mode choice focus on determining which attributes play a role in mode choice and what their weights and elasticities are. In this report we take another perspective and look at mode choice from a process perspective at both the strategic and the operational level. In the end, it is a person (e.g. a transport planner, or supply chain manager) who works inside an organization with a certain strategy and goals, who makes or influences the mode choice. Therefore, a framework of organizational and behavioural mode choice processes is developed, based on literature from psychology, management and logistics. The framework combines both the individual perspective and organizational perspective and builds on two theories. The first one is the theory of planned behaviour, which explains how a indivdual forms an intention and how an intention leads or does not lead to a behaviour. The second one is policy deployment, which explains how

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Auteur Betrokken partijen Jaar
Enide Bogers HAN University of Applied Sciences 2021