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Benchmarking port asset performance

Over the past decade, the complexity of operations...
13 juli 2023 / 982

Over the past decade, the complexity of operations in maritime port areas has increased significantly. Considering the challenges ports are facing with the maintenance of aging infrastructures, the need for asset management efficiency within the port industry is imperative. The willingness to ensure continuous improvement has contributed to a growing interest in the measurement and benchmarking of port infrastructure performance. The paper describes the development of an international benchmarking model to measure and compare port asset performance. The model is illustrated by comparing the maintenance of quay walls and roads for three different european ports. The presented benchmark results, and the process itself, have provided asset managers with valuable insights into their maintenance performance.

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Auteurs: L. A. H. Verbruggen, J.H.R. Van Duin, L. Tavasszy, R. Schoenmaker, S.C. Cornelissen

JournalInternational Journal of Transport Development and Integration
VolumeVolume 6 (2022), Issue 3
Page Range217 - 235
CopyrightWIT Press