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Synchromodal Europe

Fontys University of Applied Sciences has developed a...
04 september 2020 / 7780

Fontys University of Applied Sciences has developed a maturity model to create awareness among companies about several aspects of organizing intermodal and synchromodal transport. Together with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and other parties this Award winning maturity model has been applied by more than 80 companies in the Netherlands and Belgium. We are eager to expand the geographic application of the model with partner universities.

Would you like to be part of a collaborative and innovative project proposal for a pan-European EU-funded research project to apply our award-winning model?

Put into practice with results!

Fontys has developed a maturity model to create awareness among companies about several aspects of organizing synchromodal transport. The maturity level of companies is assessed by means of a questionnaire. The questions for these company interviews have been developed and validated by employees of Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. In 2018, more than 25 companies were interviewed with the help of a semi structured questionnaire.

In the follow-up projects in 2019 and 2020 50 companies have been interviewed. The results from the online questionnaire are reported in an online survey tool, developed by Fontys. The questionnaire is applied to companies in the Rotterdam region by bachelor students of Rotterdam University of applied sciences. Results have been published and will be presented at the Netherlands Conference on Operations Management and Logistics. Next to that, follow up is given to the questionnaire, in a new project the questionnaire is applied in two other regions.

Maturity model

Further research within Europe

The maturity model has proven to be applicable in two countries and has shown potential to apply in other parts of Europe to help companies with making the important step from road transport towards intermodal (and synchromodal) transport. By using this model, an acceleration can be made in European policy to reduce CO2 emissions. As goods flow do not stop at the Dutch borders, application of this model should also not stop at the border.

This model can be applied for hundreds of companies that are close to major container ports or for companies that have potential to start implementing intermodal transport, since they handle large volumes of container transports. By means of this model, Fontys, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and its partners can contribute to the policy plans of Mr. Timmermans and Mrs. Von der Leyen.

We aim to submit the project plan for EU funding by mid-2021. As of September 2020 we start recruiting consortium partners. Depending on the chosen European subsidy program (or programs) the project will take between 3 and 5 years to execute. Aim is to organize brainstorm meeting(s) multiple interested partners in Autumn 2020. In order to build strong partnership and future EU funding application(s)

What’s in it for you?

Below you can find a list of possible benefits for you as potential project partner. We are open to discuss other activities based on your expertise.

  1. Education: First of all, the project can assist in developing curricula on intermodal and synchromodal transport by offering workshops, train the trainer sessions and e-learning modules. It is a unique opportunity to enhance logistics curricula, with theory and many different company cases, both online and offline. Let’s think about this together! The e-learning modules focus on the basics of intermodal and synchromodal transport. Next to that, we can offer workshops and train-the-trainer sessions for teachers and students that will work with the Synchro Maturity Model.

  2. Development and application of a maturity model: The Synchro Maturity Model is being developed and enhanced on a continuous basis. There are opportunities to extend it vertically by adding more detail or horizontally by increasing the scope. The model can be extended technically by creating an online version or portal. Students of your university can contribute by conducting interviews in which the model is applied to companies in your region. This creates a win-win-win: students get experience in performing practical research, the valuable results are combined in a publication and companies get practical feedback.

  3. Individual follow up companies (quick-scan): The model can be applied to shippers, forwarders and logistics service providers. Companies that participate in an interview get a practical advice on the current status and an advice on how to develop to a higher maturity level in intermodal or synchromodal transport taking into account the strategy and long term plans of the company. Finally, benchmarks with other companies will be given. These benchmarks are based on data from the own region and others regions within the database. The company cases can then be used in your curricula.

  4. Analysis of results: All collected results from the interviews are stored in a database. The pan-European consortium, and in particular Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and Fontys University of Applied Sciences, are at all times administrator and responsible for the database. As a partner you can use the data from your own research region from the database. Based on the data analysis, recommendations can be made to improve the performances of local companies and local policies.

  5. General advantages, valorization and dissemination: We are looking forward to collectively publish scientific articles on the status of intermodal and synchromodal transport in Europe and the maturity model. This pan-European project offers the opportunity to extend your knowledge network in the field of intermodal and synchromodal transport.

Insights artikel Synchromodal Europe Plan

Auteur Betrokken partijen Jaar Leestijd
Fontys UoA Fontys UoA, Rotterdam UoA, KennisDC Logistiek 2020 10 mins


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